Suppose we inherit an old uninhabited house containing much trash. We might wonder where all that trash came from. But we wouldn’t spend too much time finding out its source – we would just trash it and focus on making the house livable.

We need to adopt a similar pragmatic approach while dealing with the mind. The mind is the inner house in which we souls live throughout our material existence. Of course, we don’t inherit the mind at any particular time; we just become aware of it and its contents when guided by Gita wisdom.

While the physical body being made of gross matter is visible, the mind being made of subtle matter is invisible. So, often we don’t even realize that the mind is different from us; we mistake its desires to be our desires. But Gita wisdom illumines our inner territory, helping us understand that the mind is our subtle covering – a none-too-congenial covering at that.

Akin to a trash-filled house, the mind is filled with many trash-worthy cravings. So when some unworthy desire pops up in our consciousness, we don’t need to analyze too much where it came from. We can quickly review to check if we had subjected ourselves, intentionally or unintentionally, to some agitating stimuli. And if we find something, we can plan to prevent or minimize similar exposure in future. But if we can’t find the cause – and even if we can – the important thing is not the source of the trash, but its destination. We need to sweep the unworthy desires out of our consciousness.

The best way to sweep them out is by filling our consciousness with thoughts of Krishna and service to him. The Bhagavad-gita (06.28) assures that by practicing yoga determinedly we can become fully purified and situated in everlasting spiritual happiness.

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Dont analyze the trash trash it


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