Our impure desires sometimes impel us to do something wrong. After such wrongdoings, we often cover our tracks thoroughly so that we don’t get caught. Over time, we may even start thinking that being able to thus hide our lapses shows our intelligence. 

However, it doesn’t. Why not? Because even if we are not caught for our wrongdoings, we will be caught by our wrongdoings. The wrongs we do will create impressions or tracks within our mind. Those impressions will impel us to do further wrongs, thereby creating a vicious circle of obsession, degradation and self-destruction. 

Our mind functions like a computer browser. Each time we visit a particular site, that visit is stored in our browser history and it comes as an auto-complete during our future browsing sessions. And the more we visit that site, the more frequently and forcefully it comes as an auto-complete. Eventually, it may even become the default site that opens as soon as we click the browser. Such is the addict’s mind; it gravitates toward the object of addiction, from the moment they wake up to the moment they sleep – and maybe even in their dreams. 

Similar will be our dark destination if we indulge in impure pleasures and think we can get away with it just by covering our tracks. The intelligence that makes us think thus is intelligence captured by impurity (Bhagavad-gita 03.40).

Thankfully, this impressionability of the mind works for positive things too. If we practice bhakti-yoga and choose to consistently connect with the all-positive, all-pure supreme reality, Krishna, the consequent impressions will make connecting with him easier, faster and sweeter. Till we become joyfully absorbed in him and transcend all impurity. 

Therefore, choosing thoughtfully the tracks we form on our mind is real intelligence. 


Think it over:

  • How does our mind function like a browser?
  • How can we use our mind’s impressionability positively? 
  • Do you have any habit where you cover your tracks? What can you do to instead choose your tracks better? 

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Explanation of article:

Covering our tracks thoroughly is not intelligence, choosing our tracks thoughtfully is Gita 03 40


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