Our mind is inclined towards certain things: some good, some bad. We often resolve to overcome our unworthy inclinations, yet we succumb to them.

To understand why we relapse, the word inclination is particularly apt – its other meaning serves as a good metaphor for the mind’s functioning. That second meaning of inclination is “the tilt of a physical structure such as a floor.” If the floor is inclined southwards, whatever water falls on it will naturally flow south. If we want the water to flow north, just our intention to make it flow that way won’t be enough; we need to reconstruct the floor to change its inclination.

The same principle applies to the flow of our consciousness. Whatever we are inclined to, our consciousness naturally flows towards it. By such flow, it grows quickly from thought to desire to intention to action, sometimes without even our awareness. To change this natural flow of consciousness, we need to, metaphorically speaking, reconstruct our inner flooring. The Bhagavad-gita (06.36) points to this when it stresses the need for an appropriate process – without such a process, mastery of the mind is impossible. The best process is bhakti-yoga for connecting with Krishna, the all-attractive Supreme.

Connection with he who is the reservoir of all pleasure gives us a higher fulfillment. By consistent connection and the fulfillment thereof, our mind gradually recognizes that Krishna is the source of the ultimate pleasure that it has been searching for in myriad other objects. This recognition makes it increasingly inclined towards him. Such changed inclination comprises reconstruction of our inner flooring. With such reconstruction, our consciousness starts naturally flowing towards him and the positive things of which he is the highest embodiment. Thanks to this healthy flow of our consciousness, we can better sustain our various positive resolutions.

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Change of inclination requires not just resolution but also reconstruction Gita 06 36


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