Arjuna’s fifteenth question: How to transcend the modes
Toward the end of the fourteenth chapter (14.21), Arjuna asks Krishna, “What are the characteristics of those who transcend the modes? And how do they [...]
Toward the end of the fourteenth chapter (14.21), Arjuna asks Krishna, “What are the characteristics of those who transcend the modes? And how do they [...]
Whenever Krishna starts a chapter without any starting question from Arjuna, as in the fourteenth chapter, we can infer that Krishna considers the subject important [...]
During a class, the questions a student asks tells the teacher how much the student is involved in the learning process. Arjuna’s questions in the [...]
Good teachers are concerned about knowing and delivering their lessons well. Great teachers are concerned about ensuring that their students understand the subject. To that [...]
Out of the Bhagavad gita seventeen chapters, where Krishna is the main speaker, nine begin with a question: 2.7, 3.1-2, 5.1, 8.1-2, 11.1-4, 12.1, 13.1, [...]
The universal form is a revelation, which essentially means it is something not normally accessible to us humans, but made accessible by divine intervention. How [...]
The term ‘universal form’ essentially refers to a form that shows Krishna’s presence, power, purpose spread across the entire universe. The universal form pervades the [...]
The Bhagavad gita thirteenth chapter is its most philosophically dense chapter. How is all this philosophy relevant to Arjuna on the battlefield? What does the [...]
How Krishna is both impartial and reciprocal - Suppose a cricket umpire constantly rules in favor of one side. That’s unfair, we will exclaim. We [...]
Some people think of God as demanding, but Krishna’s self-revelation in the Bhagavad-gita shows him to be a very understanding God. A demanding God expects, [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna demonstrates a remarkable blend of both universality and specificity. Universality in analyzing for Arjuna a broad gamut of paths to choose [...]
How the thread of a loveable God links the Gita’s eleventh and twelfth chapters - After the revelation of the universal form in the Bhagavad-gita’s [...]
How Krishna addresses Arjuna’s apprehensions about the death of Bhishma - In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna describes the death of the assembled warriors using two [...]
Which form of God is most special: universal form, four-handed form or two-handed form? The universal form revealed by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita’s eleventh chapter [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita’s eleventh chapter, Krishna states twice that his revelation of the universal form is unprecedented (11.06: adrishta-purvani, 11.47: na drishta-purvam). Arjuna too confirms [...]
How a thrilling vision turns chilling - In the Bhagavad-gita’s eleventh chapter, Arjuna beholds the universal form. What he speaks while beholding that cosmic theophany [...]
The Bhagavad-gita uses a distinctive structure for introducing the universal form. First, Krishna explains to Arjuna what he will be showing; then, Sanjaya explains to [...]
When Arjuna asks Krishna to display the universal form, Krishna obliges, but also displays something extra: his form as time. Why this bonus revelation? Because [...]
How Krishna’s teachings reflect both unity and diversity - In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna deems as childish those who consider sankhya and yoga to be different [...]
How can Arjuna see everyone equally and still fight? - An often-quoted Bhagavad-gita verse recommends equality of vision (05.18): see everyone equally, because we [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita’s fifth chapter, Arjuna asks essentially the same question that he asked at the start of the third chapter. “Should he work or [...]