How remembrance of Krishna is the ultimate spiritual superfood
How remembrance of Krishna is the ultimate spiritual superfood - Superfoods provide multiple benefits, which fall into two broad categories: increasing our energy and decreasing [...]
How remembrance of Krishna is the ultimate spiritual superfood - Superfoods provide multiple benefits, which fall into two broad categories: increasing our energy and decreasing [...]
When we feel devotionally weak - While practicing bhakti, suppose we feel attracted not to Krishna, but to the world’s allurements. Seeing our devotional weakness, [...]
How God's love is both universal and particular - God loves us — this is the common teaching of the world’s theistic traditions. And this [...]
When scripture seems unbelievable - On reading that the Bhagavad-gita was spoken to the solar deity (04.01), we may get the question, “How can any [...]
Should education be realistic or idealistic? - Suppose schools started teaching kids, “The world is such a terrible place that you can’t even survive unless [...]
Three levels of tension in the Bhagavad-gita- The Bhagavad-gita’s first chapter depicts Arjuna subjected to three increasingly intense tensions: emotional, ethical and existential. Emotional tension: [...]
Three kinds of blindness in the Gita’s first chapter - Dhritarashtra’s blindness — physical: His blindness, being physical, was the most self-evident. It prevented him [...]
How perception is an ethical act - We usually think of perception as a merely mechanical act; when some object comes within our visual range, [...]
When form and substance are different — and when they aren’t - All that glitters is not gold. Such sayings which are present in almost [...]
Does the Gita discourage material solutions to problems? - Some people ask, “When the Bhagavad-gita (08.15) states that the world is a place of misery, [...]
Is the world really a place of misery? - Sometimes, the Bhagavad-gita statement that the world is a place of misery (08.15) is seen as [...]
How Krishna is much bigger than our understanding of Krishna - Krishna may be thought by some as as an image in a temple or [...]
How to gain insight into complicated situations? - When confronted with complicated situations, we can gain insight into them by using two principles. Let’s apply [...]
How intelligence and scripture may increase our illusions - The Bhagavad-gita (02.53) cautions that our intelligence can get lost in the forest of illusion created [...]
We are already in God’s embrace - How we conceive God determines how we relate with him. If we conceive of him as a being [...]
Understanding the relationship between love and freedom Love is founded in freedom: Suppose a boy proposes to a girl saying, “I love you. Will you [...]
How Krishna’s relationship with us differs from our relationship with him - The Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion contains a disarming declaration: Krishna is determined to love us [...]
How the Gita demonstrates its teaching - The Bhagavad-gita concludes, in one sense, with Arjuna agreeing to do Krishna’s will (18.73). Yet the Gita continues [...]
What are we focusing on: connection or contribution? - While practicing bhakti, we may sometimes become discouraged, thinking, “I can’t make any worthwhile contribution.” To [...]
Whose place are we seeking in devotion: ours or someone else’s? - Suppose we see someone speaking Krishna’s message attractively and getting a lot of [...]
A functional car needs to have both an accelerator and a brake. While driving, when we are on the right track, we can press the [...]