Discover the democracy of misery
When problems assault us unexpectedly, we often feel indignant that life has handed us a raw deal. We also become haunted by the fear that [...]
When problems assault us unexpectedly, we often feel indignant that life has handed us a raw deal. We also become haunted by the fear that [...]
Our times are characterized by an infatuation for information. Those with the ability to commandeer uncommon bits and bytes of information on the spur of [...]
Many of us delay taking up spiritual life because of the pressures to improve our material life: our finances, fitness and family’s prospects, for example. [...]
A tragic trend of our times is the glamorization of immoral sexual indulgences as fashionable, as slick, as cool. This is especially evident in soap [...]
Most of us know someone who annoys, irritates or enrages us. We may even feel that if only that person would be out of our [...]
Some spiritual aspirants ask: “I had thought of spirituality as a state of peaceful withdrawal from the world while seated in a smart yogic posture. [...]
When we strive to live spiritually, we often find ourselves succumbing to materialism, despite our prayers to Krishna for protection. At such times, we may [...]
Many of us tend to compartmentalize our lives into the material side and the spiritual side. Such compartmentalization is initially helpful in ensuring that we [...]
Our eyes are often like voracious heat-seekers scanning the horizon for sensually hot objects. Our materialistic culture fully exploits our visual hunger. By planting seductive [...]
Many of us may have suspected that the Bhagavad-gita being an ancient book might not be practical in our times. Some of us may have [...]
We human beings have an intelligence more advanced than our nonhuman fellow beings. This developed intelligence enables us to think beyond the immediate issues that [...]
Many of our problems often seem to have an inbuilt mental glue. They stick to our minds constantly. Especially during our mantra meditation, we frequently [...]
We may sometimes wonder how to harmonize the two aspects of our human personality: the head and the heart. A preponderance of the head makes [...]
Our heart is flooded with many desires for happiness. However, most of these desires are unfulfillable due to the limitations of time, financial resources, bodily [...]
Emotions differentiate us conscious beings from unconscious things. As matter doesn’t have the capacity to experience emotions, the presence of that capacity in us suggests [...]
When the present presents us with difficulties, we often turn to our memories of past emotionally fulfilling moments for inspiration. As our culture bombards us [...]
Some people equate becoming spiritual with becoming unambitious. However, bhakti spirituality centers on ambitiousness, albeit of a kind different from the individualistic ambitiousness glamorized by [...]
We often get caught in the exigencies and emergencies that keep coming up in our lives. Despite knowing the importance of developing our relationship with [...]
Many people hesitate to apply the Bhagavad-gita in their lives because they doubt whether its guidelines given thousands of years ago are practical today. Their [...]
To love anything in this temporary world, we need to suspend our head and close our eyes to the misery that will inevitably result because [...]
Rampant corruption and blatant inequity characterize our current socioeconomic system. What is their cause? They are symptoms of the materialistic fanaticism afflicting humanity. Just as [...]