Might we be devaluing sex by glamorizing it?
Our contemporary culture constantly glamorizes sex through gaudy images permeated with sexual undertones and overtones. Due to this incessant glamorization of sex, most people live [...]
Our contemporary culture constantly glamorizes sex through gaudy images permeated with sexual undertones and overtones. Due to this incessant glamorization of sex, most people live [...]
Many of us often make resolutions for living according to principles of moral and spiritual integrity, but during times of temptation, our impulses ambush us. [...]
Cutting-edge technology prides itself for opening new avenues for enjoyment: so many TV channels, websites and video games, for example. However, might the freedom offered [...]
Some people doubt the benefit of daily mantra meditation: “What is the use of repeating the names of God mechanically and unfeelingly? Better to wait [...]
“I know that work is important, but I just can’t make myself do it; I am not in the right mood.” “Stop; don’t irritate me [...]
Disaster movies generally show people caught in a natural disaster trying heroically to save themselves and others from impending doom. However, not many of the [...]
Some of us may be put off by the apparently contradictory statements in the Bhagavad-gita. Several such statements are found in the thirteenth chapter of [...]
Our culture offers us so many possibilities for life’s trivialities that choosing among them often swallows much of our energy and emotion. For example, TV [...]
The racehorse-pace of life nowadays impels many people to apply brakes, lest they break down. These break-seekers often explore spirituality for utilitarian purposes. Just as [...]
We may be held back in our spiritual quest by the subconscious apprehension that the advanced, sacred states of spiritual realization may be too difficult [...]
Green consciousness has made us increasingly aware that natural resources are limited and so need to be used carefully. Yet there is one natural resource [...]
“What’s wrong with a bit of indulgence as long as one is not harming anyone?” This utilitarian-seeming rationale sometimes tempts us to transgress the moral [...]
“Let’s go back to our roots.” This passion consumes many people. Some of them take the route of genealogical investigation for discovering unsung ancestors. Others [...]
Our mind loves to go down the pleasure lane of memory, especially when those pleasures are materialistic. It not only glues itself to those memories [...]
“Why did I do that?” This question often troubles us whenever we look back at an unworthy action that we did on the spur of [...]
Is life a doomed journey from a station called birth to a station called death with a bit of pleasure and a lot of pain [...]
Our media periodically presents us with celebrities who are self-obsessed egotists.Three words sum their life-trajectory: rumble, grumble, tumble. Rumble: These people are so self-obsessed that [...]
The pace and pressure of our contemporary lifestyle often makes us stressed. This tension is a nag that lurks constantly in the background of our [...]
We may sometimes wonder: “Are the statements in the Bhagavad-gita about God’s existence and benevolence to be accepted on faith alone? Isn’t there any way [...]
All material pleasures are essentially chemical highs. Whenever we perceive any attractive objects with our senses, the corresponding sensory mechanisms secrete certain chemicals. This chemical [...]
As devotee-seekers, we often begin mantra meditation with enthusiasm and anticipation. However, our mind soon starts coming in the way of our meditation with increasing [...]