Delight in the devotional chain reaction of faith and knowledge
Faith is the most precious asset on the spiritual path. It enables us to pursue diligently that which we cannot perceive directly: the invisible treasure [...]
Faith is the most precious asset on the spiritual path. It enables us to pursue diligently that which we cannot perceive directly: the invisible treasure [...]
Some people think that the path of bhakti is too simplistic and so is meant for sentimental non-intellectual people. However, the simplicity characteristic of bhakti [...]
Practicing devotional life means embarking on an inward devotional journey to connect with Krishna. On this journey, the mind poses the primary roadblock by constantly [...]
Most people are infatuated with material pleasures. Due to such infatuation, they consider matter to be the primary, if not the only, reality. Thus, they [...]
A tiny crack in a dam is not a tiny thing. The massive pressure of all the dam water forces the crack to enlarge till [...]
“Yet again the mind has gone astray. How many times can I keep struggling against it?” This is our common reaction when we try to [...]
Obviously not, we would unhesitatingly answer. We eat to get energy for pursuing worthwhile ends in life. Gita wisdom urges us to apply this same [...]
“I just don’t have time.” This is how we often respond to suggestions that we commit ourselves to devotional practices such as mantra meditation. No [...]
Power. That’s what motivates most politicians today. Because they usually have worldly values and goals, they imagine that worldly power is their gateway to happiness. [...]
“You are your watch!” So says a billboard. It implies that our watch makes a statement about who we are, what our status is and [...]
Many people are earthbound in their conception of life; they think of the earth as the only arena for their existence. They generally acquire this [...]
In material consciousness, whenever we achieve any success, we tend to parade and brag about it. We often carry this tendency with us into our [...]
All of us have witnessed normal sane people suddenly behaving abnormally, even insanely. We may have seen this happening to ourselves. For some people, this [...]
Nothing glorious can be achieved without single-pointed, sustained determination. The Bhagavad-gita (02.41) indicates that determination (drdha-vratah) is essential for the most glorious achievement of life: [...]
We all need a sense of security in our lives. Often, we seek that security by trying to build a cocoon around us, by trying [...]
As TV is popular nowadays, many people equate enjoyment with watching TV. Guzzling down hi-techimages of one’s favorite TV program all daylong is their version [...]
Just as we need to peel off multiple covering layers to reach the essence of an onion, we need to peel of multiple covering layers [...]
As aspiring devotees, our devotional determination may waver when we are confronted with temptations of material pleasures. Often these temptations haunt us like ghosts; they [...]
“Work is worship is the central teaching of the Bhagavad-gita.” So claim many people. If they were right, then wouldn’t it make the creature that [...]
Our life is becoming increasingly dominated by machines, mechanistic thinking and mechanical behavior. Machines: As technology pervades our life, we spend more time with machines [...]
Many of us feel strained by the pressure of having so many things to do. Actually, our strain frequently originates not as much in how [...]