To argue that the truth is unknowable is to presume that it is knowable
Some skeptics look for flaws in all philosophies, especially philosophies that strive to explain the nature and purpose of existence. They argue that all such [...]
Some skeptics look for flaws in all philosophies, especially philosophies that strive to explain the nature and purpose of existence. They argue that all such [...]
When we feel fearful, our fear points to something we hold immensely dear, something whose possible loss terrifies us. The Bhagavad-gita (16.11) indicates that as [...]
Suppose we accidentally step on someone’s foot. We would naturally apologize, ask if they are ok, and do what we can to help. Overall, we [...]
If we see someone walking with drooped shoulders, we might judge them as lethargic – till we notice that they are carrying a huge burden [...]
When we strive to lead a godly life, we soon realize that some of us are innately inclined towards God, while others aren’t. We may [...]
Many people adopt a materialistic lifestyle without thinking about its implications. A materialistic worldview implies that we have come from nowhere because we didn’t exist [...]
Suppose a person is trapped in a cold cage. They will naturally look for a way to escape. But if inside the cage they are [...]
Illusion sometimes captivates us, as when we see a mirage in a desert. When allured, we can find a way out of illusion if, say, [...]
Egoistic people think and talk only about themselves: “I went here, I achieved this, I experienced this, I am so great.” Even if others talk [...]
When we become addicted to some unhealthy habit, we may try to give it up, but may keep relapsing. The illusion of pleasure may be [...]
Some people equate humility with lack of self-respect. However, the humble respect their self so much that they are ready to do whatever it takes [...]
The greed that is present in all human hearts makes us covet for more and more things, way beyond what we need. Such greed, though [...]
If a charioteer is inattentive, the horses will take the chariot where they want instead of going where the charioteer needs to go. The Bhagavad-gita [...]
Today’s culture propagates that we can solve our problems by getting more – more money, more possessions, more comforts. But does getting more make us [...]
Suppose we are being chased by thieves. While fleeing from them, those who we take shelter of turn out to be kidnappers. The thieves would [...]
If someone is enslaved, they would try to break free. If instead someone who is free tried to become enslaved, we would consider them insane. [...]
Forgiveness is often commended as a stellar virtue, as in the Bhagavad-gita (16.03). However, forgiving often seems difficult because we equate it with forgetting. And [...]
Some children have toys piling up in their rooms. Still, they crave more and more toys. And if they can’t get one new toy, they [...]
Today, humanity is the greatest danger to humanity – not just by direct attacks by humans on other humans but also by human exploitation of [...]
Suppose the knowledge about road signs that we studied for getting a driving license has become inert within us. It has gone so much to [...]
We all want to be happy. However, where we seek that happiness determines whether we will become happy or not. Quite often we look for [...]