The desire that the dark be darker defines a dark mind
Suppose we know that someone is short-tempered. Suppose further we hear through the grapevine that they have assaulted someone. If we presume the rumor to [...]
Suppose we know that someone is short-tempered. Suppose further we hear through the grapevine that they have assaulted someone. If we presume the rumor to [...]
Suppose a beautiful bird is seen in the sky. A nature lover would reach for a camera to shoot its photo, whereas a hunter would [...]
Envy is the inner dark tendency that makes us miserable at others’ successes; it impels us to drag them down and plot their destruction. Envy [...]
We all sometimes act wrongly. But not all wrong actions are equally serious – they fall at different points on a scale that extends from [...]
We all have within us something that is impulsive and something that is reflective. Gita wisdom identifies the impulsive part as the mind and the [...]
Suppose an intoxicated person forgets about gravity and steps off a ten-story building. Gravity won’t forget them; it will act and put them out of [...]
Artha, wealth, and anartha, inner weakness, have a revealing relationship. Artha is vital for living, whereas anartha takes away the vitality of living. We need [...]
For our life-journey, scripture is like a map. The Bhagavad-gita (16.24) urges us to make informed decisions based on scriptural knowledge. Let’s look at three [...]
When we find faults with others, we are often told to not have a fault-finding mentality. In response, we may defend ourselves, “But I am [...]
When contemporary culture tempts us with addictive indulgences such as drinking, it often offers a common rationalization, “Just drink once. It’s no big deal.” However, [...]
Suppose someone said in English, “I don’t know a single word of English.” Their statement would be a blatant self-contradiction. A similar self-contradiction results when [...]
We often learn much more from our failures than from our successes. When we succeed, we may become so full of ourselves as to think, [...]
Whenever we are wizards at something – superb at doing that thing – our ability can raise us to great heights. While we certainly need [...]
Suppose we had to push a huge boulder uphill. That would be difficult enough. But on top of it, if we were becoming weak and [...]
Suppose an alcoholic is in a de-addiction center. Driven by desire for alcohol, they are sneakily seeking it somewhere. They will be fearful: will anyone [...]
When we swim in the ocean on its surface, we may find its vastness exciting. But if we want to find pearls, we need to [...]
To see through others means to look for faults in others even when none are evident. To see others through means to help others manage [...]
On seeing addicted people relapsing despite their best intentions, we may wonder, “Do they still have free will? Can we lose our free will?” No. [...]
Freedom from weakness refers to freedom from the lower urges that weaken our determination to act constructively. Our weaknesses are self-destructive forces within us such [...]
When someone disagrees with us, especially someone we expected would obey us unquestioningly, our ego flares up. It goads us: “Yell at them; lash out [...]
We humans are considered the most evolved among all species on our planet. Ironically though, we often cause more destruction than all other species – [...]