Why anger should be used sparingly … (Anger management series 7)
Why anger should be used sparingly - A great power like nuclear power can be used for deterrence and defence, but it can also be [...]
Why anger should be used sparingly - A great power like nuclear power can be used for deterrence and defence, but it can also be [...]
How to use anger without being used by anger - Suppose someone we are responsible for does something self-destructive, even after we have repeatedly warned [...]
We are often exhorted to avoid anger as it can make us act in ways that make our life hellish (Bhagavad-gita 16.21). Yet spiritual wisdom [...]
Pointing the finger or pointing the way? - When people point a finger, it is often to show others who is at fault. Sometimes, they [...]
Choosing our battles in dealing with anger - Anger can make our life hellish (Bhagavad-gita 16.21). When dealing with anger, we often think in polar [...]
Angry about being angry? - We all have probably experienced that anger can make our life hellish, as warned by the Bhagavad-gita (16.21). We may [...]
Why absence of anger may not be good - Anger can short-circuit our intelligence and impel us to do regrettable things. Pointing to the dangerousness [...]
How doubt can’t live without faith- Parasites can’t exist without the host organisms they prey on. Doubt is such a parasite that can’t live without [...]
Can we order our desires ? - The word ‘order’ can have two meanings: instruction (“You have to take medicine thrice a day — those [...]
Three ways sensual desires imprison us in misery — Desire management series 4 - A prison is essentially a place of restriction — a prisoner’s [...]
How desire takes control of our life — Desire management series 1 - Suppose we get into a car and start it to go somewhere. [...]
Avoid hell in the mind avoid hell in the world - Some people think of hell as merely a belief of some religious groups. Others [...]
How being courageous is different from being fearless - Suppose someone shows no fear even in the presence of great danger. We may appreciate that [...]
Why two similar wrongdoings may be entirely different - Suppose someone we trust as a good person does something wrong, say become severely abusive or [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Bg 16.4 dambho darpo ’bhimānaś [...]
The scapegoating tendency - Scapegoating is one of the most universal of human tendencies. When we face difficulties, especially difficulties that seem unfair to us, [...]
If we lack freedom or willpower what can we do? - When we try to do something worthwhile, if external situations hamper us, we may [...]
When black-and-white analysis helps and when it harms - The Bhagavad-gita analyzes people into two distinct categories: godly and ungodly (16.05). We might wonder, “Are [...]
How to respond when someone hurts us?- When someone speaks harshly or acts cruelly toward us, how we respond depends primarily on their disposition. The [...]
How gossip can go dangerously out of control - Suppose we pushed a small snowball down a hill just for fun. It rolls down out [...]
How can we know others properly? - When forming relationships with someone, we naturally want to know them properly to decide whether to take that [...]