Materialism is wrong – and wrongheaded
Materialism, the idea that matter is all that exists, is on a mass seduction campaign nowadays, especially through the media. To see through its seduction, [...]
Materialism, the idea that matter is all that exists, is on a mass seduction campaign nowadays, especially through the media. To see through its seduction, [...]
A prevailing intellectual fad sees all value-judgments as subjective: “If you think something is obnoxious, it is obnoxious for you – but not necessarily for [...]
Some exclusivist religions claim that those who don’t accept their dogmatic beliefs will be sent by God to hell forever. In refreshing contrast to such [...]
Weary, dreary, scary: these three words convey broadly the reality of modern materialistic life. Let’s see how: Weary: The huge workloads, the overbearing deadlines, the [...]
“This person gives liberal donations for charitable causes.” Statements like these are becoming increasingly commonin the public profiles of well-to-do individuals. This trend may inspire [...]
Obviously not, we would unhesitatingly answer. We eat to get energy for pursuing worthwhile ends in life. Gita wisdom urges us to apply this same [...]
Many people are earthbound in their conception of life; they think of the earth as the only arena for their existence. They generally acquire this [...]
Few things obsess the contemporary mind as much as the latest styles. Most people today are possessed by the craze to parade themselves with the [...]
Our culture offers us so many possibilities for life’s trivialities that choosing among them often swallows much of our energy and emotion. For example, TV [...]
Green consciousness has made us increasingly aware that natural resources are limited and so need to be used carefully. Yet there is one natural resource [...]
Rampant corruption and blatant inequity characterize our current socioeconomic system. What is their cause? They are symptoms of the materialistic fanaticism afflicting humanity. Just as [...]
Sometimes we feel mentally tired even when we are not physically tired. What causes this mental tiredness? Among its various causes, a common, major, and [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (16.09) indicates that the atheistic, being possessed by their meager intelligence, flourish in self-destructive and world-destructive activities. In these people, ignorance not only [...]
When things start going wrong in our life, our false ego goes into a default defensive, scheming to find a villain on whom to lay [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (16.04) states that pride is a characteristic of the ungodly. Pride originates in the misconception that we permanently own the things that we [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (16.17) describes the godless to be self-complacent and impudent (atma-sambhavitahstabdah). They throw morality and spirituality to the winds for the sake of pursuing [...]
The word “immaterial” can refer to “that which is not made of matter” and “that which doesn’t matter.” The immaterial (the non-material) isimmaterial (unimportant). So [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (16.7-20) describes the mentality of the godless materialists who ruin themselves and those around them by their inordinate infatuation with temporary things. Their [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (16.02) mentions that the godly are averse to faultfinding. Gita wisdom explains the rationale. All of us have a godly side and a [...]
Navigating life’s journey amidst the unpredictable worldly ups and downs is like navigating a boat in dark, turbulent waters. Just as the boat would be [...]