Greed makes the wealthy needy
Money, money, money. That’s the supreme goal of life for many people today. We obviously need money to survive. But is it survival that drives [...]
Money, money, money. That’s the supreme goal of life for many people today. We obviously need money to survive. But is it survival that drives [...]
Liberty. Freedom. Independence. These words appeal to us for they express the universal longing of the heart. However, these words have in recent times been [...]
When we neglect or reject relationships, we make ourselves lonely. But when we neglect or reject our relationship with Krishna, we make ourselves worse that [...]
Skeptics often ask, “What is the use of devoting so much time to God?” Little do they understand that Krishna brings meaning, purpose and joy [...]
Faultfinding comes easy for most of us; it gives a much-craved boost to our false ego by making us feeling superior to the faulty. And [...]
“Purchase this and you will be happy.” “Wear this and you will enjoy.” “Own this and your dreams will be fulfilled.” Ads like these confront [...]
“My home altar is more elegant than that of others.” “I pronounce verses more accurately than others.” “I give more donation than others.” Such thoughts [...]
The world defines us by our possessions – what we wear, where we stay, what we drive in, for example. However, these things are external [...]
Some people parade their faithlessness as if it makes them intellectually superior: “I don’t believe in anything that I don’t see; I don’t believe in [...]
Scripture often talks about times so radically different from ours that we may wonder: is this relevant for me? Yes, definitely. The relevance comes from [...]
We all want to control our dependents. And we do need some control to guide them properly. Yet by their very nature people often go [...]
The religion of fanatical materialism is sweeping across the entire world. No doubt, materialism always had adherents throughout history. But what is alarming about modern [...]
Fanatical materialists claim that matter is all that exists and that consciousness doesn’t exist as an independent causal agent. Whatever consciousness seems to exist, they [...]
The scriptures compare the spiritual master’s words with a surgical knife. Those words cut through the misconceptions and illusions that bind materialistic people, thereby healing [...]
We reveal more about ourselves when we speak about others than when we speak about ourselves. Our words offer listeners glimpses into our heart. When [...]
In our life, we presume that we are the choosers and the doers, the central protagonists in an ongoing, unfolding drama. But are we, really? [...]
Today’s materialistic culture charms us by portraying itself as progressive. But is it really? Beyond its impressive technological wizardry, what does it actually do for [...]
Materialism is the belief system that matter is all that exists. Sometimes it takes a slightly more tolerant form as the belief system that matter [...]
The idea of progress attracts us because we are happiness-seeking beings and we are promised that progress will make us happier. However, our current culture [...]
Children desire toys and cry when thwarted and angered. Undiscriminating desire and unmanaged anger – these two defining emotions of childishness underlie many of our [...]
Suppose each time we want to type an email the computer asks us to choose the font, the font size, the alignment, the indentation, the [...]