The most dangerous jumping is jumping to conclusions
Jumping can be dangerous if we jump too far and fall twisted, injuring ourselves, or fall on someone, injuring them. While physical jumping can be [...]
Jumping can be dangerous if we jump too far and fall twisted, injuring ourselves, or fall on someone, injuring them. While physical jumping can be [...]
When we are good at something, we can easily spot others’ weaknesses in that area. For example, if we are good at language, our attention [...]
When our life has no higher purpose, whatever promises of pleasures controls and drags us. For example, if we have nothing important to do on [...]
Suppose a kidnapped person is running away from their abductors. If suddenly they feel themselves being pulled backwards, they will look sharply to discern what [...]
Some home security systems can be customized to allow entry to some people and to bar others. Suppose this customization is done wrong, granting entry [...]
Anxiety is a defining characteristic of our present existence. Specific anxieties have specific causes that can and should be addressed. However, such measures can address [...]
Yajna of nama refers to sacrifices (yajna) centered on the chanting of the holy names of God (nama). The Bhagavad-gita (10.25) declares meditational chanting to [...]
We all aspire to improve ourselves, to bring out our best and to make our best contributions. However, there exists some force within us that [...]
When we make decisions, we usually think that we are choosing freely. However, we decide not just by our conscious intentions but also by our [...]
We all have our fears: loss of health, wealth or loved ones. To deal with such fears, we arrange for insurances, security systems or self-defense [...]
Anxiety epidemic. That’s how psychologists describe the spiraling anxiety levels among people today. Anxieties are frequently attributed to uncertainties that arise from financial, political and [...]
A common atheist argument is: “Why does evil exist?” But the question could well be turned around, “Why should evil not exist? Why do we [...]
In life, what we do is important, but why we do it is equally, if not more, important. Intention is critical in religious activities, wherein [...]
Many people practice religion for cosmetic purposes – they want to look good in society’s eyes. They may visit temples on holy days, treating such [...]
When we start practicing bhakti, we often experience amazing transformation – even without much effort on our part, sinful habits to which we may have [...]
When people hurt us, we often feel the urge to get even. And when they hurt us grievously, we feel we have a right to [...]
People often want to rise to the top in their fields and to delight in being high above everyone else. Even if they attain a [...]
When we enter a room, we often note how many people notice us. If no one notices us, we feel bad. If many heads turn [...]
Today’s culture revels in moral relativism. People reject the existence of objective moral principles; they argue that whatever makes them feel good is good, and [...]
To relieve life’s monotony, we sometimes seek various diversions. While diverting ourselves, we may simply want some harmless entertainment. But diversions can easily degenerate from [...]
If we oversleep, we often justify, “I was tired.” But if someone we don’t like oversleeps, we label them as “lazy.” If we overeat, we [...]