Let’s love Krishna too much to be fanatical
Fanatic. That’s among the worst labels a person can get in today’s multi-cultural world. To avoid such labels, some people feel, “Better let me not [...]
Fanatic. That’s among the worst labels a person can get in today’s multi-cultural world. To avoid such labels, some people feel, “Better let me not [...]
When people reject, cheat or humiliate us, we may feel justified to hate them. No matter how justified our feeling, it doesn’t change the reality [...]
Our present material existence is like an ocean – an ocean of misery. Though we can struggle against the waves of life’s miseries for some [...]
We all long for love. This longing attains lasting and complete fulfillment when we direct it towards Krishna, for he is eternal and all-attractive. And [...]
Our actions are frequently molded by others’ opinion, especially by the opinion of the social circle we wish to belong to. As we are social [...]
Bad times test our faith. They raise the question: “When I am serving Krishna, why is he not protecting me?” Gita wisdom answers that Krishna [...]
Is bhakti a feeling that arises spontaneously in the heart, a feeling that some people get and some people don’t? We may think thus when [...]
We may injure our relationships by an unwitting error: giving things more of our attention than the people for whom we are doing those things. [...]
Just by turning on a small switch we can activate a big car. If a small manmade switch can have so much power, then how [...]
The prospect of ‘renunciation’ may bring in us a cold, hard, almost scary feeling. We fear that we will have to give up something dear [...]
We often approach Krishna for getting some things and feel grateful on getting them. This utilitarian and businesslike relationship with Krishna can’t truly satisfy us. [...]
Our feelings about others are pointers not just to who they are but also to who we are. When we feel irritated by others’ faults, [...]
Spiritual knowledge is a therapy for the soul. Just as medical knowledge brings with it the responsibility to help the sick, so does spiritual knowledge. [...]
When we take a treatment, we intuitively map changes; we evaluate whether our health improves. Similarly, when we practice spirituality, we need to map changes: [...]
Many people think that the goal of spirituality is to go beyond emotions and actions, and attain peace by merging in an impersonal light. However, [...]
We all need encouragement. The regular obstacles and occasional reversals that life brings our way tend to be discouraging. To regain our spirits, we need [...]
Life frequently forces us to face the conflict between the ideal and the real: what we want to be ideally and how we are really; [...]
Love for Krishna may sometimes seem a distant, abstract concept. But Gita wisdom offers a systematic pathway by which we can slowly but surely attain [...]
Our mind is rarely satisfied with the world and especially with our present position in it. Consequently, it frequently goes into flights of fantasies of [...]
Good teachers give explanations; great teachers give explanations and examples. Thus a great sports coach doesn’t just explain to budding sportspersons what to do, but [...]
Spiritual life sometimes presents us with standards that seem impossible to meet. For example, we may feel that thinking of Krishna constantly is impractical. Certainly, [...]