Study matter for deconstruction, edification, redirection and utilization
On the spiritual path, studying matter can aid our inner growth in many ways. Let’s consider four of them: Deconstruction: Study of matter can help [...]
On the spiritual path, studying matter can aid our inner growth in many ways. Let’s consider four of them: Deconstruction: Study of matter can help [...]
Whatever be our specific inclination – which stems from the nature of our mind – that mental inclination presents distinctive challenges in our life in [...]
What we feel we need varies according to our situations and our dispositions. We all have the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter – and money to get these needs. But what we feel we need often exceeds far beyond what we need. We need food, but we may feel that we need a particular delicacy.
The word “God” is used across the world’s various monotheistic traditions to refer to the Supreme Being. Although all monotheists profess to worship one God, [...]
Some people ask, “How can we know that God is still living?” The notion that God can cease to exist is like the idea that [...]
If Jupiter had some undiscovered satellite, we could detect it if we just developed the necessary material technology. Some people think that we could similarly [...]
Suppose a person, during a routine medical checkup, finds that they have a dangerous disease. If the disease is also complex to understand, their head [...]
Becoming a hero is the business of most people’s lives. And they frequently pursue this business by trying to become better than others, by becoming [...]
Suppose during our childhood we had regularly visited an enjoyable place, but during our ensuing life’s many activities, have forgotten how wonderful that place was. [...]
Where did everything come from? This is one of the biggest unanswered questions in science. Of course, this question precedes modern naturalist science; it has [...]
Suppose we are driving to some destination and come to a fork. If we are unsure about which way to go, we will move slowly [...]
Some people conceive of spirituality as fundamentally centered on world rejection. Love is the strongest among all the emotions that we experience and usually our [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s call to constantly think about Krishna may raise the question, “How is this practical? To grasp the call’s practicality, we need to first [...]
Westerners who hear about the many gods within the Vedic pantheon often equate this conception with the polytheism widespread in the Greco-Roman culture that was [...]
Suppose a child asks us, “Is a circle circular?” We wouldn’t just answer affirmatively; we would explain a circle’s definition, thereby underscoring the question’s redundance. [...]
We all want to be valued, recognized, appreciated. Living amidst the millions that crowd today’s metropolises, we may feel like an insignificant statistic. Standing out [...]
When we need to do something difficult, we may pray for help. Skeptics mock such praying: “What is its use? If you have an exam, [...]
When we strive to become devoted to Krishna, we often face temptations that obstruct us. Tempting sense objects intrude into our consciousness and captivate it. [...]
Suppose suddenly the power goes off all over our city. We don’t think, “Everywhere, there is darkness; what difference is lighting my small corner going [...]
Some people conceive of God as a distant being who manages the world through some remote-controlling mechanism. Raising us beyond such preliminary notions of God, [...]
Desires are often thought of as enemies for seekers because they entangle us in material things. The Bhagavad-gita (13.22) stresses that the desire to enjoy [...]