Celebrate the commotion of emotion in the ocean of devotion
Some people conceive of spiritual perfection as an emotionless peace, a sanctuary of silence beyond the agitations and complications of material existence. Gita wisdom acknowledges [...]
Some people conceive of spiritual perfection as an emotionless peace, a sanctuary of silence beyond the agitations and complications of material existence. Gita wisdom acknowledges [...]
When we face problems, we often pray to Krishna for protection. He always protects, but not necessarily on our terms. If we demand protection on [...]
Some people ask, “When God has created the beauty of this world, why do scriptures decry it as illusion?” Firstly, scriptures don’t decry beauty itself [...]
Envy is a typical human response on seeing others better than us. But it’s not the only possible response – esteem is a healthier alternative. [...]
Some religions call for faith based on the miracles that happened at their inception, say, the resurrection of their founder from the dead. Atheists contest [...]
Materialists often portray themselves as champions of reason and deride religionists as peddlers of irrational beliefs. However, the very reason they claim to champion has [...]
When we see the distress, destruction and death that characterize this world, we may get the question: “What is the point of it all?” But [...]
Some Bhagavad-gita commentators state: “Bhakti is for sentimental, less intelligent people; whereas jnana is for intelligent people.” A careful study of the Gita, however, reveals [...]
Many people reject discipline: “I want to be free to do my own thing.” Our aspiration to be free is natural and laudable. But we [...]
Whenever power goes off, the darkness makes us tentative, insecure, even paralytic. No wonder we constantly strive to keep our outer world well lit. Yet [...]
Some people ask: “Why does Krishna insist repeatedly in the Bhagavad-gita readers that he is God? Why does he need to prove his position?” Because [...]
“I will miss so much pleasure if I devote myself to Krishna.” This feeling may check us while practicing spiritual life, especially its regulative principles. [...]
“Can we hear Krishna speaking to us from within?” We may get this question when we come to know from the Bhagavad-gita that Krishna resides [...]
When we practice devotional service, we often expect that we will automatically get protection from worldly adversity. So we become baffled on discovering that devotees [...]
“This doesn’t make sense.” We may get such doubts while studying Gita wisdom. To ensure that doubts don’t swamp our spiritual prospects, we need to [...]
Life often puts us in perplexities. When we don’t know what to do, what do we do? Some people respond with kneejerk reactions, others, with [...]
Few worldly things activate us as much as the prospect of enjoyment. Among all forms of enjoyment, the most stimulating is sexual enjoyment. The mind [...]
Ours is an age of obsessive individualism. Everyone wants to do their own thing. This holds true all the more for spirituality, wherein people frequently [...]
Love reigns supreme. Not just in matters of the heart, but also in matters of the head. This is the sweet and supreme insight of [...]
We live where our heart lives. When our heart lives in material things, we live in the material world. When our heart lives in Krishna, [...]
“I am spending so much of my time and energy serving Krishna; why doesn’t he bless me with the things that I need?” Such questions [...]