All glory originates and culminates in Krishna
We all want to be valued, recognized, appreciated. Living amidst the millions that crowd today’s metropolises, we may feel like an insignificant statistic. Standing out [...]
We all want to be valued, recognized, appreciated. Living amidst the millions that crowd today’s metropolises, we may feel like an insignificant statistic. Standing out [...]
When we strive to become devoted to Krishna, we often face temptations that obstruct us. Tempting sense objects intrude into our consciousness and captivate it. [...]
Some people conceive of God as a distant being who manages the world through some remote-controlling mechanism. Raising us beyond such preliminary notions of God, [...]
Desires are often thought of as enemies for seekers because they entangle us in material things. The Bhagavad-gita (13.22) stresses that the desire to enjoy [...]
The design argument for the existence of God posits that the complexity and intricacy of various things in the world underscore the necessity of a [...]
When people do something they like, say, watching a sports match, they often get so absorbed that they don’t even notice discomforts such as sitting [...]
Some people ask, “When God has created the beauty of this world, why do scriptures decry it as illusion?” Firstly, scriptures don’t decry beauty itself [...]
Envy is a typical human response on seeing others better than us. But it’s not the only possible response – esteem is a healthier alternative. [...]
When we see the distress, destruction and death that characterize this world, we may get the question: “What is the point of it all?” But [...]
“I will miss so much pleasure if I devote myself to Krishna.” This feeling may check us while practicing spiritual life, especially its regulative principles. [...]
“I am spending so much of my time and energy serving Krishna; why doesn’t he bless me with the things that I need?” Such questions [...]
Beauty attracts everyone. Poets sing about it; lovers bask in it; people dream about it. Many give up everything else for its sake. They see [...]
Beauty ranks among the world’s most fascinating – and frustrating – features. History is filled with stories of ill-fatedcaptivation by beauty. Can we not relish [...]
Love is characterized by desire: strong, sustained, single-pointed desire. As spiritual seekers, we aspire to awaken our love for Krishna. In the ultimate sense, that [...]
Our heart is flooded with many desires for happiness. However, most of these desires are unfulfillable due to the limitations of time, financial resources, bodily [...]
Our world is beset by various manias: filmstar-mania, sportstar-mania, musician-mania, to name a few. Some of us may have wondered: why do people spend so [...]
Just as weapons of mass destruction can destroy thousands of bodies, weapons of mass distraction – the mass media – can destroy thousands of minds. [...]