Gita 07.27 explained
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Now Sri Krishna goes to a [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Now Sri Krishna goes to a [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Now Sri Krishna will talk about [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya After describing this now Sri Krishna [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Bg 7.22 sa tayā śraddhayā yuktas [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya He is transcendental also so how [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya So in this verse we have [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Bg 7.9 puṇyo gandhaḥ pṛthivyāṁ ca [...]
People sometimes ask, “When everything comes from God, why can’t we enjoy everything? Why restrict our enjoyment of some things?” Because though everything comes from [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Bg 7.2 jñānaṁ te ’haṁ sa-vijñānam [...]
Suppose fishermen fish in an ocean using a net with one-inch holes. On failing to catch any fish smaller than one inch, suppose they declare [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (07.28) indicates that we will become determined in our devotional practices when we live purely and stop impure actions. This begs the question: [...]
If we are walking through marshy land, the marsh can make us slip if we are not watchful. In our journey towards Krishna, our mind [...]
We all cherish freedom, but the reality is that we can never have absolute freedom. We can’t fly unaided like birds in the sky; we [...]
Suppose a tribal who has never heard of gold is walking under the hot sun and spots a gold slab jutting out of the ground. [...]
When germs infect us and we start feeling sick, we take treatment for driving out the germs. However, healing requires not just the driving out [...]
Traditionally, nature has been considered a mother who provides for life’s necessities. But some people characterize it negatively as a stepmother or even a witch [...]
A newborn infant sees everything as potential food. It suckles the mother’s breasts and sees it as a source of nourishment. Only after some growth [...]
When we hear how pure devotees don’t ask Krishna for anything material, we may aspire for similar selfless love. While this aspiration is wonderful, we [...]
Perception, or more specifically false perception, is the basis of illusion. The Bhagavad-gita (07.13) explains that we can’t know Krishna due to the delusion created [...]
Believing doubts might sound like an oxymoron because after all we think of doubts as something centered on disbelief. Yet the truth is that belief [...]
The word ‘fix’ can mean ‘focus’ or ‘repair.’ Using these dual meanings, this article title conveys: To repair the mind, focus it on Krishna. Presently, [...]