The cure for lust comes not by condemning the object but by cleansing the subject
The object of lust refers to the thing that triggers lust. The subject of lust refers to the person within whom lust is triggered. Condemning [...]
The object of lust refers to the thing that triggers lust. The subject of lust refers to the person within whom lust is triggered. Condemning [...]
If someone were being bound by ropes, that person would naturally fight to untie the bonds. But suppose that person fights instead to hold on [...]
Vice is the inner self-destructive force that promises quick pleasure but ends up binding us to misery and bondage. The Bhagavad-gita (03.36 - 03.43) provides [...]
Some people study scripture largely, if not entirely, from a historical perspective – they focus on when it was written, what was the general culture [...]
“Go from darkness to light, from illusion to truth, from mortality to immortality,” exhorts a celebrated aphorism from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (1.3.28). The Bhagavad-gita, also [...]
The idea to serve Krishna refers to our broad understanding that life is meant for serving him. The ideas to serve Krishna refer to our [...]
We are all innately pleasure-seeking. Gita wisdom explains that we being souls, eternal parts of Krishna, can find the supreme pleasure by serving him with [...]
At the start of the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna is overcome by myriad complex emotions that bring him on the verge of an emotional breakdown. By the [...]
Leading a principle-centered life involves a dynamic tension between our aspirations, which are determined by our cherished principles, and our actions, which is often determined [...]
Many people feel uncomfortable with the idea of a religious book, the Bhagavad-gita, urging war. They would probably be surprised to find their feelings echoed [...]
As spiritual seekers, we aspire to follow the principles of moral and spiritual integrity given in the scriptures. But due to our past conditionings we [...]
Impulse is an urge that comes to us, sometimes without our conscious bidding. Intent is a decision that comes out of us, with at least some level of conscious [...]
“What makes a person do something as terrible as that?” This universal question about human behavior is echoed by Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita (03.36). The [...]
“That was such a situation – anyone would have succumbed to the temptation.” By thus pointing our fingers at the circumstances, we often try to [...]
Riding something that moves fast can be exhilarating. To get that thrill, many people drive bikes or horses at high speed. But suppose a person [...]
Some people fear that devotion to Krishna will require them to renounce the world. However, devotion requires not renunciation of the world, but its reconnection [...]
People ask: “If God, the creator of the world, is good, why is there so much evil in the world?” The question reveals a fundamental [...]
Few things raise people's guard as much as threats to their freedom from totalitarian governments. Yet they often overlook the greatest threat to individual freedom [...]
When a fire burns us, we immediately move away from it towards something cooling and healing. Yet when the fire of lust burns us, we [...]
An unchanging characteristic of life is change. And change often puts us into anxiety, especially when it is undesirable, unpredictable or uncontrollable. Such anxiety, if [...]
Our culture glamorizes lust as the source of life’s greatest pleasure. In jolting contrast, the Bhagavad-gita (03.37) warns that lust is the enemy of the [...]