The word identity politics can have two distinct meanings. One is that it is a politics based on asserting identity as contrasted with asserting class or interest group. The other is that identity is a mere afterthought to oppression. In the second formulation, identity is primarily in terms of who has victimized whom. The first sense of identity politics is simply a tribal version of self-identification, where the second is an endless guilt trip for the purported victimizers who inherit forever the sins of their fathers. 

How people promote identity politics is both disturbing and revealing. It is disturbing because it reflects the desperate search for self-understanding that characterizes atomized individuals in today’s society. Although identity politics overemphasizes identity, it overemphasizes only one aspect of our identity: our skin color, our birth caste or whatever else. Actually, our identity is multi-layered, and all other aspects of our identity are obscured by the politicalization of one aspect of identity. Which aspect of identity is emphasized reveals people’s political agenda. 

If we want to truly tap our potentials, do justice to our abilities and fulfill our destiny, we need to mine deeper levels of identity: ultimately, our spiritual identity. This fundamental identity is transcendental to our various levels of material identity — it is who we essentially are. When we understand that we are souls who have been transmigrating through various bodies (Bhagavad-gita 02.13), then we understand the temporality of the victim-victimizer narrative. Yes, certain kinds of identity may give us some privileges or take away some privileges. But the privilege of being human and being spiritual is what defines and unifies all of us. 

If we tap that potential and privilege we all can have a fulfilling life and make meaningful contributions that bring about sustainable spiritual egalitarianism and social harmony. 

Think it over: 

  • What are the two senses of identity politics?
  • How does identity politics obscure identity?
  • How can Gita wisdom help us address the need that drives identity politics?


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By overemphasizing identity, identity politics ends up obscuring identity Gita 02.13


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