- Chapter 08, Text 01
- Chapter 08, Text 02
- Chapter 08, Text 04
- Chapter 08, Text 05
- Remembrance of Krishna — From Factual to Personal
- Invest in doing something worthwhile
- We don't get to choose whether we die
- Gita 08.05 explained
- Why what we remember at the time of death matters so much
- We are like birds on a branch — our wings need to grow before the branch breaks
- What we think of at our death is more important than what others think about us after our death
- Chapter 08, Text 06
- Gita 08.06 explained
- Why does the Gita discuss the moment of death so much?
- Our belief system doesn’t just shape our perception of reality - it becomes our reality
- Our disposition at death determines our destination after death
- Life is a test of taste
- Chapter 08, Text 07
- Needing Krishna to fix us
- Four ways our mind and intelligence may relate with Krishna
- Gita 08.07 explained
- Who do we seek to be remembered by?
- What are we focusing on: connection or contribution?
- How can we develop both materially and spiritually?
- If saving lives means something more than delaying death, then we all have the opportunity to save lives
- Meditation is not the antithesis of action, it is the basis of action
- Our deepest desires should direct us from within, not disappear within
- We can’t avoid being pushed by time, but we can choose where we are pushed by time
- Devotion is expressed through intention and attention, not just emotion and action
- Don't just keep waiting – keep pushing too
- When we love the Lord more than the world, he takes us out of the world
- Combination of inner recollection and outer contribution nourishes devotion
- Appreciating Krishna’s immanence integrates recollection and participation
- Count your blessings – and your toes too
- Express affection through recollection and attention
- At death, we don’t have to leave home; we can go home
- The key to offering ourselves to Krishna is offering our mind and intelligence to him
- Krishna is not life’s sole goal – he is life’s whole goal
- Life’s speed-breakers are meant to be faith-builders, not faith-breakers
- Feed the heart a healthy diet, not a deadly diet
- “Now and then” or “from now on”?
- Are we changing the world or is the world changing us?
- Let our potentials, not our problems, define us
- Devotion enables us to strike a deal between the extraordinary and the ordinary
- Go beyond naughty desires and knotty doubts
- Let devotion be your steering wheel, not your spare wheel
- Be not scared of the sacred
- Balance the here and the hereafter through bhakti-yoga
- Bhakti integrates our emotional and rational faculties
- Chapter 08, Text 08
- Gita 08.08 explained
- To end our forgetfulness, let’s first commit to end our forgetfulness of our forgetfulness
- Leave no space to space out
- Chapter 08, Text 09
- Gita 08.09 explained
- For God, no problem is too big – or too small
- Just as wet clothes can’t dry us, an impure mind can't purify us
- Remembrance of Krishna’s immanence brings resilience during our march to transcendence
- Chapter 08, Text 10
- Chapter 08, Text 11
- Chapter 08, Text 12
- Chapter 08, Text 13
- Chapter 08, Text 14
- Gita 08.14 explained
- We may have a great vehicle, but we won’t get anywhere unless we get into it
- Spiritual evolution is best energized by devotional elevation
- Fixing the mind on Krishna is the lever for fixing the mind
- We live in a broken world, but we don’t have to live broken lives
- The world’s being a miserable place doesn’t mean we have to be miserable
- Krishna is not just a point for meditation - he is the person for supplication
- Seek not moments of devotion; seek momentum in devotion
- Chapter 08, Text 15
- By stating that everyone has problems are we conveying empathy or apathy?
- The pains of life don't sentence us to a life of pain
- Gita 08.15 explained
- When the world is a place of distress how should we deal with distress in our life?
- How not to apply the Gita
- Does the Gita discourage material solutions to problems?
- Is the world really a place of misery?
- Is the Gita’s declaration about the world’s distressful nature pessimistic?
- Tap the power of negative thinking
- Use circumstantial suffering as an impetus to address existential plight
- To forget that the world is a hurtful place is to place ourselves on a path full of hurts
- When life is uncomfortable, thank God that it is not unbearable
- Just because pain is circumstantially beneficial doesn’t mean it is intrinsically desirable
- Life may be filled with problems, but life is not a problem
- See pain as a protector and a pointer
- The world is a place for treatment, not enjoyment
- Reality is not as rosy as our dreams, but neither is it as scary as our nightmares
- Misery is a fact of life, but it is not the purpose of life
- Our focus reveals our purpose
- Suffering doesn’t have to be isolating – it can be integrating
- The Gita is optimistic about what matters most
- Trying to get rid of misery is like trying to get rid of one’s shadow
- Death for the devoted is not destruction, but discharge
- See misery as confirmation of scripture – and as impetus to further confirm scripture
- To see life’s positive side, understand what life is and what its positive side is
- The world is a hospital; be hospitable to the doctor
- We can’t change the nature of nature, but we can change the nature of desire
- Beyond the love that hides to the love that guides
- We can’t create paradise, nor were we created in paradise – but we can go to paradise
- Might we be shooting the messenger instead of pondering the message?
- Chapter 08, Text 16
- Gita 08.16 explained
- Even if we fare well in life, we still have to say farewell to life
- Our life takes off when we understand how soon life takes us off
- Gain double empowerment for destination eternity
- Chapter 08, Text 17
- Chapter 08, Text 18
- Chapter 08, Text 19
- Chapter 08, Text 20
- Gita 08.20 explained
- The spiritual world exists not just at a different location but at a different level of reality
- Waking up from the nightmare of death
- Chapter 08, Text 21
- Gita 08.21 explained
- The supreme abode is the Supreme’s abode
- Meaning is determined by not just content but also context
- Chapter 08, Text 22
- Gita 08.22 explained
- Think not how far the spiritual world is; think how close the Lord of the spiritual world is
- Everything is in Krishna and Krishna is in everything
- Let the pat on the back for our intellectual conquests not become a nail in the coffin of our devotional prospects
- Chapter 08, Text 23
- Chapter 08, Text 24
- Chapter 08, Text 25
- Chapter 08, Text 26
- Chapter 08, Text 27
- An exam where the examiner is on our side
- Gita 08.27 explained
- How Krishna addresses Arjuna’s concerns about untimely death
- In life’s final exam, worry not about circumstantial logistics; rely on transcendental dynamics
- Chapter 08, Text 28
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 08Chaitanya Charan2021-07-07T13:41:12+05:30