Gita 01.09 – Explanation 2
Gita 1.09 - Listing the warriors’ qualities for enlisting their commitment Audio Link 2: Gita 01.09 - Listing the warriors' qualities for enlisting their [...]
Gita 1.09 - Listing the warriors’ qualities for enlisting their commitment Audio Link 2: Gita 01.09 - Listing the warriors' qualities for enlisting their [...]
Gita 01.08 - Attachment makes the absent present Audio Link 1: Gita 01.08 - Attachment makes the absent present - The Spiritual Scientist [...]
Gita 01.08 - We need to be calm-headed, not cold-blooded Audio Link 2: Gita 01.08 We need to be calm-headed, not cold-blooded - The [...]
Gita 01.07 - Repetition of known information conveys prioritization Audio Link 1: Gita 01.07 - Repetition of known information conveys prioritization - The Spiritual [...]
Gita 01.07 - Be aware of how what we say to one person may be heard by others Audio Link 2 - Gita 01.07 [...]
Gita 01.06 – Their great warriors counterbalance our greater strength Link1: Gita 01.06 - Their great warriors counterbalance our greater strength - The Spiritual Scientist [...]
Gita 01.06 Duryodhana diplomatically continues to incite Drona against the Pandava army Audio Link 2: Gita 01.06 Duryodhana diplomatically continues to incite Drona against the [...]
Gita 01.05 - Affiliations Were Shaped By Long-Term Affinity Not Short-Term Antipathy Link 1: Gita 01.05 - Affiliations were shaped by long-term affinity not [...]
Gita 01.05 - Our Mode Of Description Reflects Our Intention Link2: Gita 01.05 Our mode of description reflects our intention - The Spiritual Scientist [...]
Gita 01.04 - Duryodhana tries to change Drona's emotion for the opposite side from affection to anger Audio Link 1: Gita 01.04 Duryodhana tries [...]
Gita 01.04 - Our inner frame of reference shapes our outer focus of reference Audio Link 2: Gita 01.04 – Our inner frame of [...]
Gita 01.03 – The politician seeks martial dedication by emotional manipulation Audio link 1: Gita 01.03 - The politician seeks martial dedication by emotional manipulation [...]
Gita 01.03 Context can convert compliment into criticism Audio link 2: Gita 01.03 Context can convert compliment into criticism - The Spiritual Scientist [...]
Gita 01.02 – Duryodhana’s choice of conversant reveals his political intent Link1: Gita 01.02 - Duryodhana's choice of conversant reveals his political intent - The [...]
Gita 01.02 - Sanjaya addresses not just the content of Dhritarashtra’s question but also its intent Link2: Gita 01.02 Sanjaya addresses not just the content [...]
Gita 01.01 – The transcendental manifests as the geographical Audio Link 1: Gita 01.01 - The transcendental manifests as the geographical - The Spiritual Scientist [...]
Gita 01.01 Explained (The Gita’s first word dharma conveys its essential, universal theme) Audio Link 2: Gita 01.01 The Gita's first word dharma conveys its [...]
One reason that is clear from the Mahabharata itself is that Arjuna was born with a special focus on devotion; his father Pandu sought a [...]
To be present in the present, we need to learn to focus gradually and incrementally. If our mind is wandering, we can bring it back [...]
The problem with distraction is that it leads to a frustrating non-presence in the present. The present moment is an opportunity for us to both [...]
To resist temptation, one thing that we need to remember is that temptation does not attack us with the same strength all the time. When [...]