Don’t be so afraid of the irrational as to deny the possibility of the transrational
We live in an age that prides itself on its rationality. Few put-downs anger thinking people as much as being called irrational. As today’s mainstream [...]
We live in an age that prides itself on its rationality. Few put-downs anger thinking people as much as being called irrational. As today’s mainstream [...]
Suppose we strive to practice bhakti and live purely, but fail — and fail repeatedly. We may feel disheartened: “When I am so impure, how [...]
“Be yourself.” This is an oft-repeated mantra nowadays. While the call to be true to oneself is enriching, the path to self-expression, as charted by [...]
When we are asked to do something challenging, especially something whose results depend on factors beyond our control, we may back off, saying, “It’s not [...]
“Is everything destined?” We may ask when factors beyond our control wreck our efforts to succeed in life. Gita wisdom answers that some things are [...]
Some people view contemplation and action as opposites: “If we are contemplative, we can’t be active.” To substantiate their view, they point to the classification [...]
Suppose someone who had a longstanding disagreement with us finally comes over to our viewpoint. If we welcome them gracefully, we can work together effectively. [...]
Suppose we are working in a team with someone who keeps interrupting us. And what they suggest is mostly distracting at best and disastrous at [...]
Some people ask, “Why doesn't God love us as we are? Why does he prescribe so many rules?” To understand God’s love for us, let’s [...]
Suppose someone is trying to recover from alcoholism. They may still be subjected to strong cravings to drink. Suppose they feel that those cravings are [...]
Few things stimulate human sympathy as much as the sight of someone being persecuted. We naturally want to do what we can to stop the [...]
Today’s corporate-controlled consumerist culture makes us believe that our success and happiness are defined by how much we collect and how much we consume: how [...]
Suppose a student is on vacation, with nothing specific to do. They may spend days on pointless net surfing without feeling bad that they are [...]
Our mind often acts as an enemy. That’s why we all need to watch our mind, just as a country needs to watch a hostile [...]
Suppose we hear about an acquaintance getting a heart attack. We may become fearful: “What if I get a heart attack when I am alone [...]
Suppose someone gave a talk that is captivatingly delivered but is filled with semi-truths and untruths. If we get into that talk, we will end [...]
Our mind is constantly surfing for something enjoyable. While surfing referred traditionally to a water sport, it has now come to refer to the act [...]
Suppose we tend to waste too much time on Facebook. We can try to discipline ourselves, but fail. Why is becoming disciplined so difficult? To [...]
Suppose a truck is moving rapidly on a road on which a tree has fallen. If the truck is large and has high momentum, it [...]
When we hear about the many things wrong in the world, we may feel distressed and disheartened. To make sense of things, we may read [...]
Suppose an image looks attractive when seen straight, but looks breathtaking when seen from an angle. To best relish that image, we need to consciously [...]