Something for nothing?
There are no free lunches. So goes a common saying that expresses a reality stated cynically. Some of us may not want to impute selfish [...]
There are no free lunches. So goes a common saying that expresses a reality stated cynically. Some of us may not want to impute selfish [...]
Are we using our knowledge to build a path or a pedestal?- We live in a society where knowledge is seen as the means to [...]
Has our technology become too strong for our morality? - In five minutes, we can access more obscenity than what our ancestors could access in [...]
Are we boosting our thought-energy regularly? - Our car runs on fuel, our phone runs on battery, our body runs on food. What do [...]
When we feel worthless - Suppose we find ourselves trapped in a dark dungeon. We struggle in vain to pry out the rocks from a [...]
Why do small things irritate us so much? - We may notice that our mood often gets spoiled when some small things go wrong. Why [...]
Are we committing violence with our mouth? - When we grow in wisdom, we learn to live more consciously. We inspect our habitual actions and [...]
What are we seeking when we are speaking? - When we speak with others to persuade them about something, how can we make our speaking [...]
Be fearless not tactless - Suppose a soldier feels inspired to fight fearlessly against a tyrannical invading army. But if he just charges single-handedly at [...]
Does devotion result in renunciation? - The bhakti tradition features sterling examples of great saints who became so devoted to Krishna as to completely renounce [...]
Is our body fast becoming an ego feast? - Suppose we fast strictly on sacred days, abstaining even from water. When we see others eating [...]
How can we develop both materially and spiritually?- We may fear, “If we become too spiritually serious, that will undermine our material prospects. Conversely, if [...]
Are we making things worse than they need to be?- Suppose we find ourselves in a place with fading light. Naturally, we will open our [...]
When is fearlessness a facade for foolishness?- Suppose a child goes dangerously close to the parapet of a skyscraper. When his mother warns him, “Move [...]
Two ways to deter ourselves from wrongdoing - Suppose a child wants to sneak into the kitchen and eat all the cookies there, but doesn’t [...]
Are scriptural descriptions of Krishna literal? - When we hear the descriptions of Krishna given in scripture — for example, his complexion is bluish-black — [...]
Suppose we are driving for an important meeting but can’t find the venue. Even if we are driving a limo, we may not hesitate to [...]
Suppose we get into an argument with someone, specifically a loved one with whom we want a long-lasting relationship. We may try to prove our [...]
Once an award-winning painter was asked, “How do you draw such magnificent paintings?” The painter’s reply: “One line at a time.” We often admire profusely [...]
When we can’t do anything wonderful - Suppose someone we know does something wonderful that is widely lauded. If we try something similar and fail, [...]
Why seeking something worthwhile is better than seeking something wonderful - Suppose we want to write a best-selling book. Suppose further we start worrying that [...]