How to act wisely?
How to act wisely? - When we face perplexing situations, how can we act wisely? By the proper interaction between our intentions and our perceptions. [...]
How to act wisely? - When we face perplexing situations, how can we act wisely? By the proper interaction between our intentions and our perceptions. [...]
Does the Gita discourage material solutions to problems? - Some people ask, “When the Bhagavad-gita (08.15) states that the world is a place of misery, [...]
Is the world really a place of misery? - Sometimes, the Bhagavad-gita statement that the world is a place of misery (08.15) is seen as [...]
How Krishna is much bigger than our understanding of Krishna - Krishna may be thought by some as as an image in a temple or [...]
The scapegoating tendency - Scapegoating is one of the most universal of human tendencies. When we face difficulties, especially difficulties that seem unfair to us, [...]
How to be more creative? - Creativity is essentially divinity manifesting through humanity. When we are creative, we become channels for a wisdom far bigger [...]
Show up for inspiration to show up - Creativity is both a great magic and a great mystery. Magic because it results in the best [...]
How to gain insight into complicated situations? - When confronted with complicated situations, we can gain insight into them by using two principles. Let’s apply [...]
Mindlessly mindful? - Mindfulness is often equated with greater awareness of both our outer and inner worlds. Still, not every detail of the outer world [...]
Are we training our mind in distraction or in concentration?- We all have noticed times when we get distracted, sometimes from important things. If only [...]
Beyond mindfulness to purposefulness - Suppose we are working in customer support and a disgruntled customer is speaking with us rudely, even obnoxiously. Still, we [...]
Three ways remembering Krishna empowers us to face problems - Our life is often filled with many problems, and so is our world. When we [...]
When living in the present helps and when it harms - “Live in the present” is valuable advice to counter our mind’s tendency to wander [...]
When morality feels like a burden - When we try to follow moral standards to live purely, we sometimes feel harassed by temptations that keep [...]
How to avoid unhealthy reactions to unwanted emotions - Suppose we experience a craving that runs contrary to the principles we hold sacred. Faced with [...]
We all sometimes experience negative emotions such as loneliness, dejection, resentment, anger or fear. When such emotions arise, we may let ourselves get carried away [...]
How intelligence and scripture may increase our illusions - The Bhagavad-gita (02.53) cautions that our intelligence can get lost in the forest of illusion created [...]
What does it mean to “follow our heart”? - Suppose we have to decide about complex and consequential issues such as choosing a career, a [...]
Many regularly used words have nuances that we rarely ponder. Consider the word “heart.” When we say, “He suffered a heart attack,” we refer to [...]
How to expand our God consciousness in our relationships - When we strive to become God conscious by doing various devotional practices, we often start [...]
Do emotions reside in the mind? - To understand, consider an analogous question: do sensations reside in the body? Suppose a 20 kg dumbbell is [...]