Three principles for managing stress
Three principles for managing stress - Stress is becoming alarmingly widespread in today’s world. Naturally, people are seeking effective ways to deal with it. Sometimes, [...]
When we feel devotionally weak …
When we feel devotionally weak - While practicing bhakti, suppose we feel attracted not to Krishna, but to the world’s allurements. Seeing our devotional weakness, [...]
How to overcome spiritual weakness
How to overcome spiritual weakness - When we are spiritually weak, we can’t resist the world's allurements and we get caught in things that don't [...]
Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness
Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness - Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness - What happens when [...]
How God’s love is both universal and particular
How God's love is both universal and particular - God loves us — this is the common teaching of the world’s theistic traditions. And this [...]
When scripture seems unbelievable …
When scripture seems unbelievable - On reading that the Bhagavad-gita was spoken to the solar deity (04.01), we may get the question, “How can any [...]
Why we need to transform pain
Why we need to transform pain - Suppose we catch an infection. If we aren’t careful, we will transmit it to others. While we are [...]
What’s wrong with unrestrained sexual activity?
What’s wrong with unrestrained sexual activity? - Today’s culture glamorizes lust as the source of immediate and immense pleasure. However, such glamorization impoverishes our existence, [...]
Dealing with the mind’s negativities (Why we need inner redesigning 3)
Dealing with the mind’s negativities - Suppose we are trapped in a cell with a cellmate who constantly draws our attention to the many terrible [...]
How to change our inner imagery (Why we all need inner redesigning 2)
How to change our inner imagery - Suppose we were confined in a room filled with the darkest images of our life. The first thing [...]
The mind as our inner cell and inner cellmate (Why we all need interior redesigning – 1)
The mind as our inner cell and inner cellmate - Suppose we are confined in a cell whose walls are filled with pictures of all [...]
When philosophy seems pessimistic …
When philosophy seems pessimistic -Philosophy centers on asking big questions: such as where we came from, where we are meant to go (if anywhere) and [...]
What does remembering God mean practically?
What does remembering God mean practically? - The Bhagavad-gita’s injunction to remember God constantly can seem impossible or even irrelevant. While this directive can be [...]
Two ways to gauge our devotion
Two ways to gauge our devotion - When we strive to grow on the devotional path, we may wonder, “Are we actually advancing?” To know, [...]
When achievement translates into fulfillment
When achievement translates into fulfillment - We all want to do something worthwhile, something that the world will notice and appreciate. Unfortunately, that isn’t easy. [...]
How can we redefine our relationship with failure
How can we redefine our relationship with failure - Suppose a bully has been terrorizing us for a long time. Suppose further that they are [...]
Are we living in a hall of mirrors?
Are we living in a hall of mirrors? - Suppose we were in a hall filled with mirrors, most of which are deliberately designed to [...]
Why two similar wrongdoings may be entirely different
Why two similar wrongdoings may be entirely different - Suppose someone we trust as a good person does something wrong, say become severely abusive or [...]
Let the mind be
Let the mind be - Suppose we have to work with a colleague who tends to hyperventilate. Once they calm down, it’s possible to work [...]
How to stop struggling with our feelings?
How to stop struggling with our feelings? - We often find ourselves obstructed by our feelings, as when we feel bored, annoyed, perplexed, frustrated, enraged, [...]
Should education be realistic or idealistic?
Should education be realistic or idealistic? - Suppose schools started teaching kids, “The world is such a terrible place that you can’t even survive unless [...]