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Gita 02.52 explained

March 24, 2021|

Now, after describing this, Krishna will again come to the point of how this attainment of anamayam (2.51) is beyond even the Vedas. It is [...]

What is the heart?

March 21, 2021|

Many regularly used words have nuances that we rarely ponder. Consider the word “heart.”  When we say, “He suffered a heart attack,” we refer to [...]

Are thoughts things?

March 16, 2021|

The word “thing” has multiple meanings. It can refer to an object, especially an inanimate object, as in: “There wasn't a thing in sight.” If [...]

Gita 02.63 explained

March 14, 2021|

BG 2.63 krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smriti-vibhramah smriti-bhramsad buddhi-naso buddhi-nasat pranasyati SYNONYMS krodhat -- from anger; bhavati -- takes place; sammohah -- perfect illusion; sammohat [...]

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