“Seeing is believing” drags humans to the animal level
The Bhagavad-gita (15.10) reproaches as deluded (vimudha) those materialists who are blind to the soul due to their overdependence on their undependable senses. “Seeing is [...]
Time expresses Krishna’s tough love
The Bhagavad-gita (10.33) identifies time as a manifestation of Krishna. Time is one of the most forceful teachers about the temporary nature of worldly existence. [...]
Krishna is attained not by playing with the intellect but by striving with the will
Many people, especially intellectuals, use knowledge, even scriptural knowledge, as a play-toy for their intellect. Playing with the intellect involves memorizing, analyzing, synthesizing and verbalizing [...]
To give up the ocean for a drop is a rank bad bargain
“I would like to make spiritual advancement, but giving up worldly pleasures is too much of a price to pay for it.” Such thoughts may [...]
The trans-logical logic of love resolves seeming scriptural contradictions
The Bhagavad-gita (07.26) states initially that no one can know Krishna, but eventually it (18.55) states that he can be known by devotion. How do [...]
Krishna’s pastimes are not just amusing – they are amazing
The Bhagavad-gita (04.09) makes the remarkable claim that when we understand Krishna’s appearance and activities in truth, we will attain liberation. Central to understanding this [...]
Loving as much as our heart longs
The Bhagavad-gita (12.13) indicates that a devotee who loves Krishna expands his love to the fullest potential by loving all living beings – as does [...]
Lewdness is not “boldness”
“This movie is filled with bold scenes.” Sentences like these are common in movie reviews. It is now standard to use “boldness” as a rationalization [...]
Dwell, Desire, Decide, Degrade – No! Discriminate
The Gita (2.62)(02.63) outlines the path along which illusion tempts us. This fall from virtue happens through a sequence of four d’s: we dwell, we [...]
Pride (P + Ride) takes us on a Perilous Ride
The Bhagavad-gita (16.04) states that pride is a characteristic of the ungodly. Pride originates in the misconception that we permanently own the things that we [...]
To comprehend the Gita, focus on its original originality
Many people interested in the Bhagavad-gita often wonder, “It has so many interpretations. How do I understand which is the best?” The Gita itself points [...]
Memorizing scripture doesn’t burden the head – it unburdens the heart
The Bhagavad-gita (17.15) recommends regular recitation of scriptures as a means to discipline our power of speech. Such regular recitation becomes easy when scripture is [...]
Materialism in a religious costume is still materialism
The Bhagavad-gita (02.42-43) deems as undiscriminating (avipashcitah) and shortsighted those people who think that religion has no purpose other than to provide material gains. These [...]
The soul is life’s amazing and empowering secret
When we come to know a pleasant secret, we feel amazed. Naturally therefore, we feel immensely amazed when we come to know life’s great secret. [...]
Krishna is not just out there; he is also in here
When life hands out difficulties to us, we may feel forlorn and deserted due to the thought that Krishna is far away, somewhere out there [...]
With Krishna, we flourish; without Krishna, we perish
Life presents us with so many alternatives, all with their own complex and unpredictable implications, that the task of choosing among them can become overwhelming. [...]
You can change your mind, but don’t let your mind change you
The Bhagavad-gita (06.05) enjoins that we elevate ourselves with our mind and not degrade ourselves with it. This intriguing verse indicates the volatile nature of [...]
Our feelings are not always our feelings
The Bhagavad-gita (14.22) points to a fascinating thought-exercise that involves taking on the role of an observer towards our feelings. Let’s understand the whys and [...]
Lust is a black hole – beware of its gravity pull
The Bhagavad-gita (03.37) states that lust is the all-devouring sinful enemy of the world. In its capacity to devour everything that comes within its reach, [...]
Those who desire to be fused are confused
Many people think that the ultimate goal of spirituality is to merge into God, whom they conceive as a dazzling, all-pervading spiritual light known as [...]
Be rooted in the unchanging, not the changing
The Bhagavad-gita (02.16) encourages us to meditate on the difference between the unchanging, the spiritual realm within, and the changing, the material realm without. Gita [...]