We all want to control our dependents. And we do need some control to guide them properly. Yet by their very nature people often go out of control. When that happens, we may react vehemently, even violently.
What causes our extreme reaction? Often, it’s our uncontrolled ego.
Feeling responsible for our dependents is desirable, even essential. But the line that separates responsibility from attachment is thin. When we are attached to others, we want them to behave in a way that boosts our ego. Put bluntly, our uncontrolled ego wants to have a party for itself, and it wants them to act as obliging cheerleaders. But when theydisruptthe party by going out of control, our wounded ego makes us outraged, masking that rage as concern for their well-being.
The Bhagavad-gita helps us unmask the ego by cautioning (16.04) that anger (krodha) and harshness (parushyam) characterize the ungodly who are dominated by their egos (dambhadarpaabhimana).
Factually, our control over others is always tiny and tenuous. But our uncontrolled egonormally blinds us to this fact. So, when others go out of control, we can see that situation as a blessing, as an opportunity to stop pandering to the ego.
By agreeing to relinquish outer control over others, we regain inner control over our ego. When we go further and prayerfullysurrender to Krishna’s will, that inner acceptance brings a deep peace that can’t be got by even the most complete external control. And to our relief, our changed, un-controlling attitude frequentlyinspires others to stop rebelling and to act intelligently for their best interests.
And just in case our anger is motivated not by ego, but by genuine concern, still surrender to Krishna remains the best pathway to our own peace and others’ rectification.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 16 Text 04
“Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance – these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of Prtha.”
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