Krishna overturns Arjuna’s argument – Through the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna exhorts Arjuna to do his difficult duty of fighting aggressors, even if they happen to be his relatives.
To that end, Krishna addresses in the Gita’s third chapter (03.18-25) an argument Arjuna had raised in the first chapter (01.39-43): “If I fight this war and kill the leaders on the opposite side, society will be bereft of protectors, leading to human degradation.” Krishna acknowledges this danger by using the same Sanskrit word (03.24: sankara, degraded human population) that Arjuna has used (01.42). Yet Krishna asserts that such degradation will happen if Arjuna abandons his duty, not if he does his duty. Let’s see how.
First, Krishna emphasizes that a leader’s actions become examples for others (03.21). Then, he states that he himself acts with awareness of his position in society (03.22-24), thus indirectly reminding Arjuna that he too is a leader: he is a prince in the reigning family, a scion of an illustrious dynasty and the most celebrated archer of his times. If Arjuna avoids a difficult duty, his actions will be seen as weak-hearted, not detached. When people are required to do a demanding duty, they may cite his example as precedent and quit. If people in responsible positions neglect their duties, their non-resistance will clear the way for ever-present predators, who will swoop in and grab power. Their exploitative reign may well ruin humanity for generations.
Thus, Arjuna’s inaction will hand society over to present predators, and his example will end up doing the same for future predators. By thus overturning Arjuna’s argument, Krishna exhorts him to stick to his duty.
One-sentence summary:
Our actions are often far more consequential than we realize — make decisions based not just on what we want or how we see things, but on what our responsibilities are and how our actions will be seen by others.
Think it over:
- How does Krishna address Arjuna’s unspoken objection?
- How does Krishna overturn Arjuna’s argument about social degradation?
- When making decisions, what factors do we need to consider?
03.24: If I did not perform prescribed duties, all these worlds would be put to ruination. I would be the cause of creating unwanted population, and I would thereby destroy the peace of all living beings.
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