The simplicity of bhakti-yoga – Various religious paths require particular resources to be successfully executed. Those resources may relate with the capacities to get expensive paraphernalia, perform elaborate rituals, engage in difficult physical austerities or complicated intellectual speculations

In marked contrast, bhakti-yoga doesn’t necessarily require any such capacities, as indicated in Bhagavad-gita (09.26). Why this difference? Because bhakti-yoga centers on a personal loving relationship with the all-loving Divinity, Krishna. In relationships, it’s natural to express love by offering gifts. And in close relationships, what matters more than the thing that is offered is the thought with which it is offered. 

This principle applies especially in our relationship with Krishna because he already possesses everything, being the Lord of the Goddess of Fortune. All that he really wants from us is our heart’s devotion. When we infuse our heart with devotion, then even the simplest of offerings made according to our capacity becomes an expression of that devotion and he accepts it, gladly and graciously. 

Of course, if we are truly devoted, we will naturally strive to offer Krishna the best that we can — after all, love always desires the best for the beloved. But if we lack the capacity to offer something materially valuable, we don’t have to let it stop or slow us; we can unhesitatingly offer it with a devotional mood. 

What if we lack devotion? We can cultivate devotion by thinking about Krishna, meditating on his glories, especially his all-loving nature. When we thus kindle small sparks of devotion, those will stimulate our devotional connection with him, thereby propelling us toward a loving union with him. 

One-sentence summary:

Krishna sees not the thing we offer as much as the thought with which we offer — worry not about our limited capacity to offer things to him; work on enriching the mood with which we offer those things. 

Think it over:

  • How does bhakti-yoga differ from other religious paths? Why?
  • In our devotional offerings, what matters the most for Krishna?
  • What can we do if we lack devotion? 


09.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it.

The simplicity of bhakti-yoga

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