Three ways to live more effectively – Suppose we are driving a car. If our car map is unclear, if a distracting partner is sitting next to us and if excess baggage is weighing our car down, we can’t drive properly. 

Similar is our frequent predicament during our life-journey. The Bhagavad-gita explains that we are spiritual beings who are driving the body, which is like our car. Extending the metaphor, our intelligence is like the map; our mind, the distracting partner; and our many possessions, the excess baggage

To live more effectively, we need to optimize our intelligence, mind and body. Here’s how to do that. 

Clarity for the intelligence: That’s like cleaning the car map. We often get caught in our urgent to-dos, which seem unending, even ever-expanding. Instead of letting them exhaust and frustrate us, we can strive to introspect and figure out what is really important for us. To help us introspect more effectively, Gita wisdom can be an invaluable aid. With clarity, our intelligence helps us make sounder and faster decisions. 

Purity for the mind: That’s like winning over the distracting partner — instead of pressuring us to go toward whatever catches its fancy, it energizes us to go where we need to go. The mind distracts as long as it is filled with impure desires. When we engage in purifying spiritual practices, those impure desires get replaced by pure desires that power us on our journey. With purity, our mind changes from a distractor to a supporter (06.06).

Simplicity for the body: That’s like shedding the extra baggage. As long as we aren’t internally clear or pure, we collect so many things that promise us pleasure or relief. As we become clearer about our life’s purpose and purer in progressing tangibly toward it, we no longer feel the need for nonessentials. With simplicity, our bodily energy becomes freed for our important life-purposes. 

One-sentence summary:

To live more effectively, seek clarity for the intelligence, purity for the mind and simplicity for the body. 

Think it over:

  • How can clarity help us?
  • How can purity help us?
  • How can simplicity help us?


06.06: For him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his mind will remain the greatest enemy.

Three ways to live more effectively

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