Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya

10-32: From practice to perfection in yoga

  • 10-32 defines how one will achieve perfection when one is practicing yoga.
  • 24-32: Realization of Bhagavan


Now Sri Krishna will talk about the next level of realization 


Bg 6.29

sarva-bhūta-stham ātmānaṁ
sarva-bhūtāni cātmani
īkṣate yoga-yuktātmā
sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ

Word for word: 

sarvabhūtastham — situated in all beings; ātmānam — the Supersoul; sarva — all; bhūtāni — entities; ca — also; ātmani — in the Self; īkṣate — does see; yogayuktaātmā — one who is dovetailed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness; sarvatra — everywhere; samadarśanaḥ — seeing equally.


A true yogī observes Me in all beings and also sees every being in Me. Indeed, the self-realized person sees Me, the same Supreme Lord, everywhere.

So sarva-bhūta-stham ātmānaṁ, one who is situated in all bodies in all living beings, sarva-bhūtāni cātmani, one in whom all living beings are situated, īkṣate yoga-yuktātmā, means to see iksa related to aksa which means eyes, so Sri Krishna is saying one will actually see from one’s purified vision one who is engaged in process of yoga sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ, one is sama-darśanaḥ, one is equipoised in looking all things sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ.

sarva-bhūta-stham ātmānaṁ, what this is referring to? This is referring to the all-pervading super soul, who is situated in the heart of all living being so we see that at one level super soul is inside everything and at another level everything is inside super soul, how is that? Super Soul as Ksherodakshie Vishnu is inside everything inside every atom so Ishwarah Serva Bhutanam Hirdeshu Arjuna Tisthati 18.61 Sri Krishna will say he is situated in hearts of all living entities also we all are in Maha Vishnu, this is paradox something is inside everting then everything can’t be inside something how it is possible that is the inconceivable potency of Lord. We understand this by knowing multiple manifestation of the Lord, one manifestation is Kshirdakshasi Vishnu who is inside everything then Maha Vishnu is the manifestation inside whom everything is so we know that there are three levels of Vishnu Srila Prabhupada will mention these in purport of 7.4 first Maha Vishnu from whom all universes emanates then Garbodakshai Vishnu who expands into each universe and from whose naval Lotus comes on which Brhma Ji is born, then all the universes are created then that Garbhodakshai Vishnu expands further into each of the living beings heart in this way Lord is present inside everything and everything is inside Him, sarvatra sama-darśanaḥ, so the imp point is yogis sees everything equally, what is the basis of this equal vision, the basis of this equal vision is the understanding that everything is connected with the Lord, everything is different manifestation of Supreme Lord’s control and energy this is referring to the super soul manifestation sama-darśanaḥ. 

Sri Krishna has talked about sama-darśanaḥ at other places in 5.18 He has talked about Panditah sama-darśanaḥ how a wise person sees all living being equally that could have been atma tatva or parmatam tatva Vidya Vinay Sampaney Brahman…that refer to both but here Sri Krishna is referring to that living being within whom everybody is present, that is clearly referring to Supreme Lord, super soul manifestation , now here Srila Prabhupada translates as me, we will not see any Mam in this verse but mam comes in next verse so often Srila Prabhupada to avoid ambiguity and to enhance clarity give things earlier which are given later so he is not importing something which is not there in the Gita it is there in the Gita but it is coming little later section sometime some Mayavadi would come and ask Srila Prabhupada that there is no Krishna or no mam here how are your putting it here, in answer to such question Srila Prabhupada says where there is Krishna in your mistranslation you remove Krishna from there therefore where Sri Krishna is not there I am putting Sri Krishna there also, of course that was Srila Prabhupada determination to glorify Sri Krishna and also Prabhupada gives us the flow carefully in his purport so that we understand both the ways, Srila Prabhupada in his purport:  In the smṛti this is confirmed as follows: ātatatvāc ca mātṛtvāc ca ātmā hi paramo hariḥ. The Lord, being the source of all beings, is like the mother and the maintainer.

End of transcription.