In next verse Sri Krishna will describe when we fix our faculty on Sri Krishna how we will see this world? How we will see things in the people of this world. That is talked in next verse which is quoted by Srila Prabhupada quite often:

Bg 5.18

brāhmaṇe gavi hastini
śuni caiva śva-pāke ca
paṇḍitāḥ sama-darśinaḥ

Word for word: 

vidyā — with education; vinaya — and gentleness; sampanne — fully equipped; brāhmaṇe — in the brāhmaṇa; gavi — in the cow; hastini — in the elephant; śuni — in the dog; ca — and; eva — certainly; śvapāke — in the dog-eater (the outcaste); ca — respectively; paṇḍitāḥ — those who are wise; samadarśinaḥ — who see with equal vision.


The humble sages, by virtue of true knowledge, see with equal vision a learned and gentle brāhmaṇa, a cow, an elephant, a dog and a dog-eater [outcaste].


vidyā-vinaya-sampanne -> Here Sri Krishna is talking about Brahmana who is highest in Varna Ashrama and what kind of Brahmana, vidyā-vinaya-sampanne. vidyā-vinaya are referred to qualities of Brahmana, Brahmana is learned and Brahmana is Vinay humility, gentleness
brāhmaṇe gavi hastini -> gavi is cow and hastini is elephant
śuni caiva śva-pāke ca -> śuni is dog, śva-pāka is dog eater
paṇḍitāḥ sama-darśinaḥ -> The learned person see all of them equally sama-darśinaḥ

In these living beings talked about, there are gamete of living beings, Brahman are considered highest among the four Varna’s and there is śva-pāke who is not even considered in low cast Sudra but is out caste that is dog eater, so all these the person sees equally. In conventional vedic culture the difference between them is very significant. There is separation among Brahmana and Sudra that is what people think we have to separate we have to maintain our purity, Sri Krishna is saying that separation is ok in terms of everyone stick to their duties so that they will be engaged properly and they will become purified. But at the same time that should not mean that you should reject others entirely We should see the diversity externally but internally we should see the similarity also Samdarshinah and see all of them as equal ultimately. In the animal species also Sri Krishna is talking about three cow, elephant and dog now these three refers respectively modes of material nature, the cow is in goodness, the elephant is in passion and the dog is in mode ignorance. Similarly a Brahmana is in goodness and a Sva-pacha is in ignorance. So Sri Krishna is saying whatever situation one might be in among three mode that doesn’t matter we should be able to see them spiritually when one has a Tad Vision, What is Tad Vision? One sees both the atma and the parmatama, One sees that all of them are souls also one sees that the Supreme Lord accompanies all of them, and since Supreme Lord accompanies all of them they all are seen equally, 

So Srila Prabhupada explains that “these differences of body are meaningless from the viewpoint of a learned transcendentalist”. So Learned Transcendentalist is Panditah Samdarsina. Srila Prabhupada talks about the difference between the soul and the super soul.

5.18: equal vision towards the full spectrum of everything in the three modes

1.Mode of goodness: Brahmana, gavini

2.Mode of passion: Hastini

3.Mode of ignorance: Shuni, Shva-pake

Equal vision is not equal reciprocation, there has to be appropriate reciprocation. One can go and embrace a cow but one cannot go and embrace a tiger. Point is we should have equal vision, equality of vision comes when we see that the atma tattva, this is so important in today’s society when the world is fractured with prejudices

Generally we like to talk about how you are not body but a soul and that is imp but people also wanted to know what is practical help that can come by understanding BG. The world is caught up in so much sectarian conflicts, so the BG helps us in bringing unification, unification not just among human beings but among all living beings among non-human beings also, how does it happen through spiritual vision, these verses we can present to the people  who are concerned about the conflicts in the world, when we start understanding that we are all souls and everyone is connected with Sri Krishna, once we understand that we all are part of one family and the conflicts will decrease substantially. Practically we can also see that there are devotees from different parts of the world and they will come from different backgrounds but when Kirtan will start they all will chant and dance and sing and they are all happy. Srila Prabhupada said this is the real UN. Similarly Bhakti Vinod Thakur had the vision that people from all countries will come and chant the name of God together in Navadweep dham.