The biggest battle is not around us; it is inside us
We are often enmeshed in various battles around us – political battles in our countries, corporate battles in our offices, and domestic battles in our [...]
We are often enmeshed in various battles around us – political battles in our countries, corporate battles in our offices, and domestic battles in our [...]
When we see a huge cloud moving in the sky, we don’t often realize that it demonstrates how the subtler affects the grosser – the [...]
We may sometimes titillate ourselves by, say, watching scenes depicting immoral indulgences. And we may rationalize such titillation by thinking that we have no intention [...]
Suppose we are walking at night on a dark road and our flashlight starts flickering. While the light is on, we will try to see [...]
In linguistic communication, repetition is a standard rhetorical device for conveying emphasis. The Bhagavad-gita repeats in 18.65 the same two and half lines as in [...]
Suppose two batsmen are batting in two different matches on two different pitches, with one pitch being a batsman’s paradise and the other a batsman’s [...]
We all are controlled by our mind and senses. They allure us with promises of pleasure, and drag us here, there and everywhere. Addicts become [...]
Suppose, while driving, we hear a radio warning that a storm is going to sweep across the road ahead. We would prudently delay or divert [...]
The Bhagavad-gita (18.78) concludes that where Krishna and Arjuna are together, victory follows. This declaration may raise the question: “Krishna alone is enough to guarantee [...]
If we oversleep, we often justify, “I was tired.” But if someone we don’t like oversleeps, we label them as “lazy.” If we overeat, we [...]
Some people ask, “We are often told to repress our impulses in the name of civilized behavior or spiritual standards. But doesn’t that mean we [...]
The Bhagavad-gita is a treatise of profound philosophical wisdom. And it is also a message of undying spiritual love. Towards the Gita’s end, Krishna tells [...]
While doing things that require concentration, we are sometimes interrupted by unsolicited distractions. For example, while we are meditating on Krishna’s holy names, someone may [...]
Whenever we become good at anything, our ego tempts us to feel superior to those who are not that good. This same temptation lures us [...]
When we start practicing spiritual life, our life becomes enriched with deep meaning and sublime joy. Naturally, we desire that others become similarly enriched. So, [...]
When we indulge indiscriminately in sensual pleasures, we experience their actual nature. They are insubstantial, lasting for just a few moments; and miserable, subjecting us [...]
Sometimes, people participate in runs to express their solidarity for a cause. In such runs, who wins the race is not as important as who [...]
Recovering alcoholics are warned to stay away from things that trigger their desire for alcohol. If, for example, between their office and home lies a [...]
Today's culture glamorizes aggressively people with great looks, smart personalities and brilliant skills. Of course, such glamorization is more a show than substance. In real-life, [...]
Some people say, “The Bhagavad-gita’s statement that the world is a place of misery makes people fatalistic, passively accepting atrocity.” If the Gita were fatalistic, [...]
Some people say, “I am interested only in the here-and-now, in the visible and the tangible. I am not interested in philosophy.” However, we all [...]