Don’t discriminate against discrimination
The word “discrimination” has nowadays acquired a strong negative connotation, as in caste discrimination or racial discrimination. While such discrimination is distasteful, it needn’t make [...]
The word “discrimination” has nowadays acquired a strong negative connotation, as in caste discrimination or racial discrimination. While such discrimination is distasteful, it needn’t make [...]
If a person has fallen in an ocean and is floating in a stormy part, they may naturally get to a calmer part of the [...]
We probably know chatterboxes. Especially detrimental are chatterboxes who are also gossipers and pessimists, who speak negatively about people, about things, about us, about everything. [...]
Sometimes, people in positions of authority can command and compel their subordinates to do their bidding. “My way or the highway” is a popular way [...]
10-32: From practice to perfection in yoga 10-32 defines how one will achieve perfection when one is practicing yoga. 10-15: Realisation of brahman Now [...]
Propinquity literally means proximity, the state of closeness to something. In psychology, propinquity studies analyze the effect of time and distance on human behavior. Suppose [...]
Today’s materialistic culture makes us believe that the more possessions we have, the happier we will be. However, such “happiness” lasts only as long as [...]
Some people feel alarmed by the Bhagavad-gita’s battlefield setting, especially in today’s world where many rationalize brutal violence against the innocent in the name of [...]
Suppose we had a leaking tank that we want to keep filled with water. If we keep filling it without fixing the leak, our effort [...]
Why do we sometimes do things that we didn’t intend to do, things that we in fact had resolved not to do? For explaining the [...]